Work With Us
Morning Ag Clips aims to provide farmers and industry leaders with quality local and national agricultural news every day. We are always excited to work with businesses related to the agricultural sector to advertise their products, services, and events. We would love to add you to our advertising list to help your business thrive.
Download our media kit for more information on how we can help your business grow.
Thanks to advertisers like you, we can provide Morning Ag Clips for free to our readers. Consider becoming an advertiser to support our mission and gain traffic to your event or business.
Advertising is available on our app, our website, and in our daily e-blast. Click one of the names below to contact a member of our team.
Submit a Press Release
Would you like your press releases published within one business day and then distributed to thousands of farmers, agribusiness professionals, and agriculture advocates? Become a Portal member! Additional benefits are available. Register for a Portal Membership Today.
You can also email your press release to us at [email protected], although we cannot guarantee it will be published in a timely manner, or at all. We will happily accept all press releases, but to guarantee their placement on our website, you will need to purchase a Portal membership.
By sending us a press release or registering as a portal member, you will be automatically opted into receiving our marketing email newsletter with the option to opt out at any time.
Press Release Writing Services
Need to reach your audience in an engaging way, but don’t know where to start? The Morning Ag Clips team has you covered. We can write press releases, conduct interviews, send out newsletters, and help you connect with your audience on social media. Our services are available at affordable and competitive rates. Give us a call at 518-692-2829 or email to discuss how we can best serve your needs.
Newsletter Opportunities
Sometimes advertising and press releases aren’t enough — that’s when a newsletter for your organization may be the best solution for informing and staying in front of your audience. Or maybe your organization already has a newsletter in place. Regularly creating and maintaining an engaging and appealing newsletter can be a challenge on top of all the other day-to-day responsibilities. Take advantage of the Morning Ag Clips team’s expertise in design, content creation, and distribution to take your personalized newsletter to a new level.
Put your group’s newsletter (and your headache) in our hands. Many options are available to fit the budget. Email Kate or call 518‐692‐2829 for details.