SAN ANGELO, Texas — The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Tom Green County is partnering with Angelo State University’s department of agriculture to conduct a Private Pesticide Applicator Training May 3 in San Angelo.
The training will be on the university campus in Room 250 of the Vincent Building, 2333 Vanderventer Ave. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. and the training will run from 1-5 p.m.
Individual registration is $50, which may be paid at the door. RSVP by April 26 by calling 325-659-6522.
Josh Blanek, AgriLife Extension agent in Tom Green County, said the training is specifically for those seeking a Texas Department of Agriculture private applicator license and is not a continuing education unit training.
“The private applicator pesticide license is required to buy and apply restricted-use herbicides and pesticides,” Blanek said. “The Texas Department of Agriculture requires this training prior to being tested for a private applicator pesticide license, which is also issued through the agency.”
For more information, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Tom Green County at 325-659-6522.
–Texas A&M AgriLife Extension San Angelo
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