ST. PAUL, Minn. — University of Minnesota Extension has planned a free Cover Crop Strategies Field Day.
Different cover crop and soil health related topics will be discussed, including species selection and equipment discussions from local farmers, a cover crop cost-share comparison resource, termination options, troubleshooting cover crop challenges, and partner organization display tables.
Date & Location:
- Sept. 10, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Steve Lawler’s farm near Rochester MN. Google Maps (44.023910, -92.341220) Parking will be in the field off of 70th avenue.
Free! This event will also include a complimentary dinner, and beef raffle!
An RSVP to the Cover Crop Strategies Field Day is required to secure a meal, and can be found with more information on the event page:
Presentation topics:
- Farmer experiences with planting equipment (hi boy, drill), planting methods for best seed-to-soil contact, Challenges with incorporating cover crops into a system and adapting to weather impacts, grazing covers
- Cover crop species selection and their functions, adaptable management strategies
- Termination, Herbicides, interseeding of covers, grazing considerations
- Paying for cover crops: Cost share resources
- Harvestable ‘cover’ crops: Winter Camelina agronomics and payment program
- Diversify your income stream: Oats in rotations
- Social support for cover practices
For more information:
- Bailey Tangen, UMN Extension Water Resources & Soil Health Educator, [email protected]
- Mary Nesberg, Olmsted County Extension Educator, [email protected] or 507-328-6225
— University of Minnesota Extension