SAINT JOSEPH, Mo. — State and district ballots were mailed in early July to eligible voting members to elect delegates and alternate delegates to represent each state or district at the 2024 American Angus Association® Annual Convention of Delegates set for Nov. 4 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Each active life and active regular Association membership that qualified as an eligible voting member should receive a traditional ballot in the mail along with personalized online voting information. Online ballot submission is new this year and highly recommended. Eligible voters are provided with a unique election code to use on the online voting site. If individuals choose to place their votes online, the traditional ballot form may be discarded.
Each eligible voting member may vote for no more than the number of delegates allowed for the state or district. All voting must be completed no later than 4:30 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, Aug. 6 to be counted. Members who prefer to fill out the traditional ballot form must allow adequate time for the completed and signed ballot to be returned in the mail to the Association headquarters at 3201 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, MO 64506 in the self-addressed envelope included with the ballot by the same date and time.
Elected delegates will conduct Association business at the 141st Annual Convention of Delegates Nov. 4 during the Angus Convention & Trade Show in Fort Worth, Texas. If a delegate cannot attend, individuals selected as alternate delegates will be asked to attend in their place.
Details of the entire election process can be found in the Association’s Breeder’s Reference Guide, which is available online at
Learn more about the upcoming Angus Convention at, including details on world-class tours, top notch education and solutions-based trade show.
–American Angus Association