DOVER, Del. — The Delaware Forest Service is now seeking entries for its annual Arbor Day Poster Contest, open to all K-5 public, private, homeschool, after-school, and other organized youth groups. The annual Arbor Day Poster Contest is designed to increase an appreciation and awareness of the important role that trees play in our quality of life, communities, ecosystems, and our state. The Arbor Day Poster Contest is a fun way to celebrate Arbor Day with your students.
This year’s theme, “Trees are Terrific…for Outdoor Adventures!” is intended to highlight the importance of getting outside. Ample data exists to document that when children and adults spend more time outdoors, they become healthier, less stressed, more connected to nature, and better stewards of the environment. There are many activities that can be enjoyed outdoors, and trees and forests can enhance the experience. At a Delaware State Forest, for instance, you can explore, camp, hike, fish, birdwatch, ride bikes, read a book, or just take time away from your busy lifestyle. Even if you don’t have access to a forest, trees can be found in so many parts of our daily lives. Trees exist in parks, schoolyards, and backyards and can serve as the central focus of many outdoor adventures!
Delaware’s Official Arbor Day is Friday, April 26.
Posters will be judged on originality, use of theme, neatness, and artistic expression. Each winner receives a gift card, a tree-themed book, and a tree planting at their school. Twelve winners will be selected, one from each county in four grade categories: kindergarten, grades 1 and 2, grades 3 and 4, and grade 5. All participating classes will receive free loblolly pine seedlings delivered to their school.
The 12 winners will be invited to the annual Statewide Arbor Day Celebration hosted by Governor Carney. A tree-planting ceremony will also be scheduled at each winner’s school to celebrate Arbor Day. This year, the teacher of each of the 12 poster winners will receive a “Tree Trunk” of outdoor learning resources.
The deadline to register is March 9, with entries submitted by March 22.
Register to Participate and Receive Seedlings:
2024 Arbor Day Poster Contest – Google Form
Contest Guidelines and Teacher Resources:
Guidelines and Resources – Shared Google Drive
SEEDLING ANNOUNCEMENT: We have been notified by the tree nurseries in the tri-state area of a projected shortage of tree seedlings this year. Some species have already sold out due to the increase in reforestation projects happening in our area. Participation in the annual Arbor Day Poster Contest has also increased to the point that giving seedlings away may not remain sustainable (what a problem to have!). We will do our best to fill the orders until we run out of seedlings. If you do not think the majority of your students will be able to plant their seedlings, consider declining the offer to receive them.
This year the Delaware Forest Service is also celebrating Smokey Bear’s 80th Birthday. Smokey wants everyone to enjoy their Outdoor Adventures wherever they may take you. As families are encouraged to spend time outdoors, Smokey’s timeless message reinforces the need for civic responsibility while enjoying Delaware’s precious natural resources. You can share the story of Smokey Bear with your students by participating in the National Smokey Bear Reading Challenge at a local library near you!
Planting a tree is a fun activity we can enjoy today, knowing that the tree will continue to improve our lives over time. Trees planted throughout our communities not only provide beauty but help shade our streets and schoolyards and create habitat and food for wildlife. Trees planted today will benefit our communities tomorrow by improving air quality, serving as sound barriers, moderating air temperatures, reducing energy consumption, and filtering run-off into streams and rivers.
For more information, contact: [email protected]
–Ashley Melvin, Delaware Forest Service