BURLINGTON, Colo. — Colorado Conservation Tillage Association will host the High Plains No-Till Conference on Jan. 31 – Feb. 1, 2017 at the Community Center in Burlington, CO. The two-day event offers over 50 sessions for members to attend. Sessions cover a wide range of topics and members will be hard pressed to see all their favorite speakers in two days.
Steve Tucker will start the program off with a humorous look at Managing Your Farm for the Future, while Rudy Garcia will be the closing keynote bringing the two days of education into practical farm application. Chris Barron, CEO of AgView Solutions, will help you Prioritize to Survive 2017 as the general keynote speaker both days.
Sponsored sessions include Using an IPM Approach with Stored Grain Protection, Keeping More of Your Money, Sustainable Production, A New Vision for Farming on Limited Rainfall, Status and Management of Resistant Kochia, Increasing Yields using Equipment Technology, and Sunflower Production.
Twenty sessions are repeated on Wednesday giving members the opportunity to see as many speakers as possible. Don Lamker will help you Get Value from Farm Data, Todd King will explore New Gas Power Technology for Irrigation Wells, UNL Personnel will discuss Pesticide Application Technologies, and Jake Miller will talk about Grazing Cropland. Randy Anderson will share his research with managing weeds with crops; a CSU research panel will share their findings on crop rotation impact on soil erosion and no-till phosphorus connections to AM fungi. Rich and Alec Horton will share wheat production techniques and Curtis Hildebrandt will discuss the new wheat trait for controlling winter annual grasses. Producers Jimmy Emmons, Brice Custer, Tom Robinson, Steve tucker and Gail Fuller will hold sessions discussing the implementation of conservation practices on their farms, cover crop economics and keys to keeping the tillage out of the system, and a local producer panel will discuss their conversions to underground drip irrigation systems. Lance Gunderson will discuss biological soil tests and what they mean, and Tommy Roach will discuss how plant nutrition can improve soil health and yields in no-till systems. Jenna Keller will give you a legal view of expanding income through agri-tourism and hunting leases and Chris Barron will offer examples of networking to leverage farm income. Certified crop advisor and commercial applicator credits will be available. A full schedule and session descriptions can be found at www.highplainsnotill.com. Visit the website to register online or by mail. Early discounted registration ends January 15, full registrations will be taken online or at the door.
— The Colorado Conservation Tillage Association