INDIANAPOLIS — Winners of the 2023 National FFA Agricultural Proficiency Awards were named during multiple sessions of the 96th National FFA Convention & Expo, Nov. 1-4, held in Indianapolis.
Agricultural proficiency awards honor FFA members who, through supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Students compete in areas ranging from agricultural communications to wildlife management. Proficiency awards are also recognized at local and state levels and provide recognition to members exploring and becoming established in agricultural career pathways.
There are 45 proficiency award categories. The recipients are:
Agricultural Communications – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Jack Phillip Lingenfelter
Jack Phillip Lingenfelter of the Coffee High FFA Chapter in Georgia records, edits and publishes episodes of the agriculture-promoting podcast, “The Straws That Stir the Drinks.” The podcast is a collection of conversations from national and state FFA officers, elected officials, farmers, agriscience educators and FFA members. Lingenfelter also coordinates a social media account to advertise and network the podcast. He is supported by his parents, Kellie and Nathan, and his FFA advisors Joshua Rogers, Drew Williams, Janie ‘Kailee’ Bennett, and Spencer Highsmith.
Agricultural Education – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Lillie Anne Cagle
Lillie Anne Cagle of the Bledsoe FFA Chapter in Tennessee wrote and illustrated an interactive children’s book designed to advance agricultural knowledge and education among elementary-age students. She has taken her book to elementary schools to read to students and was inspired to create a nonprofit called Ag Across the Board. For it, Cagle transformed a trailer into a mobile agricultural education classroom. She is supported by her FFA advisor, Ronny Collier.
Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Peyton Vanden Berge
Peyton Vanden Berge of the Stephenville FFA Chapter in Texas works in agricultural fabrication for H4 construction and has completed two design and fabrication projects for his chapter: building a hay trailer and a 36-foot-long sliding axle trailer. For H4, he is responsible for building everything from whole trailers to implementing jacks. Berge is supported by his parents, Courtney and Jake, and his FFA advisors Jordan Smith, Cameron Price, Savannah Bowers and Keely Roberts.
Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance – Entrepreneurship
Joseph Keith Ledford
Joseph Keith Ledford of the Jackson-Empower FFA Chapter in Georgia repairs and restores antique tractors, and buys and sells tractors as part of his restoration business. He has learned how to service internal combustion engines by maintaining ignition, fuel and cooling systems. Ledford can rebuild distributors and carburetors, diagnose engine malfunction and more. He is supported by his parents, Carmen and Keith, and his FFA advisors Micah Story, Greg Gilman, Jacob Segers and Anthony Brooks.
Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance – Placement
Caldyn David Huper
Caldyn David Huper of the United South Central FFA Chapter in Minnesota works for his family’s agricultural equipment repair business, diagnosing, repairing, restoring, and maintaining equipment. He has completed several projects, including several major engine overhauls and transmission rebuilds. Huper also prepares tractors for painting by washing, sandblasting and masking them off. He is supported by his parents, Kayla and Eric, and his FFA advisor, Dan Dylla.
Agricultural Processing – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Garret Gomes
Garret Gomes of the Gunstine FFA Chapter in California works at his local butcher shop and has learned about the meat processing industry in the 3,200-square-foot shop. He helps make more than 60 different types of sausage, hand cuts steaks and chops, and smokes meat products, as well. When he began his position, he learned about sanitation, sausage making, and meat marinating. Gomes is supported by his parents, Christine and Richie, and his FFA advisors Kelly Sanches, Matt Baffunno, Cameron Wyman, and Graciela Martinez.
Agriscience Research – Animal Systems
Jay Bliler
Jay Bliler of the Taylorville FFA Chapter in Illinois has conducted his research in partnership with JRW Calf Ranch, using their equipment, feed, medications and 80 beef cattle. His objective was to conduct research and share his findings on how to improve calf health and feed efficiency. He began by comparing the effectiveness of an added digestive enzyme in a calf’s dairy milk. Bliler is supported by his parents, Elizabeth and Nathan, and his FFA advisors Sue Schafer, Katie King, Charles Dammerman, and Lori Parks.
Agriscience Research – Integrated Systems
Madison Perkins
Madison Perkins of the Gilmer FFA Chapter in Texas has conducted a four-year study on the effects of vegetation, pond age, algae control methods, and agricultural practices on the biodiversity and water quality of aquatic habitats. Her project consisted of 20 ponds in seven watersheds. Ponds were divided into three experiment groups: fertilizer only, cattle only, and both cattle and fertilizer. Perkins is supported by her parents, Donna Sue and Mike, and her FFA advisors Sue Witt, Russell Thomas, Jacqueline Cole and Kyle Keahey.
Agriscience Research – Plant Systems
Charleigh Feuerbacher
Charleigh Feuerbacher of the Stephenville FFA Chapter in Texas has researched hydroponically grown plants. Her first project explored the nutrient additive of different sugar types across sweet potatoes, cilantro and tomatoes. Her second focused on the nutrient additive of ascorbic acids in hydroponic systems with the goal of crops with higher vitamin C content. Feurbacher is supported by her parents, Ashleigh and Arlon, and her FFA advisors Savannah Bowers, Cameron Price, Brock Burch and Jordan Smith.
Agricultural Sales – Entrepreneurship
Kendra Downing
Kendra Downing of the Cambridge FFA Chapter in Illinois has owned and operated the Downing Daughters’ Farm Stand for the last four years. She buys pumpkins, honey, mums, popcorn, Indian corn, broom corn, and straw from local wholesales, selling them in her retail store, which is a 15 feet by 50 feet rustic barn. In September and October, she opens the farm stand on Fridays and Saturdays. Downing is supported by her parents, Crista and Zane, and her FFA advisor, Trenton Taber.
Agricultural Sales – Placement
Hunter Sharp
Hunter Sharp of the Chiefland FFA Chapter in Florida is the assistant manager at Quincey Beef. He is tasked with taking inventory on trucks and in cold storage, inventory management, connecting with wholesale customers, maintaining records, and more. He also posts sales information on various social media platforms. Sharp is supported by his parents, Donna and Bud, and his FFA advisors Dallas Locke and Bailey Buchanon.
Agricultural Services – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Maggie McDonald
Maggie McDonald of the Magnolia FFA Chapter in Arkansas owns M2 Genetics and Testing, a lab to test ruminant animal blood to confirm pregnancies. She saw a developing need for this service in 2019 when the lab she used during kidding season closed. She has had more than 250 customers from 10 states. McDonald is supported by her parents, Kristal and Robert, and her FFA advisors Kelsey Elam and Daniel Davis.
Beef Production – Entrepreneurship
Kyelynn Coombe
Kyelynn Coombe of the Joliet FFA Chapter in Montana started her project in 2006 when her parents gave her one polled Hereford cow. Since then, she has increased her herd to include 131 females and three bulls. She has 38 yearling heifers in her parents’ feedlot. Her project goal is to have 140 cows, make more money than it costs to raise them, sell 20 bred heifers, sell 20 bulls in a genetics bull sale, and produce the best registered Simmental and Angus cattle. Coombe is supported by her parents, Kelli and Chris, and her FFA advisor, Chad Massar.
Beef Production – Placement
Amanda Osmundson
Amanda Osmundson of the Oakdale FFA Chapter in California works on her family’s beef operation, helping to manage 300 heard of registered Beefmaster, commercial, and E6 cattle. Her focus is a seed stock operation to sell registered bulls and donor cows to commercial producers in order for them to maximize the quality of the market cattle. Osmundson has learned to perform artificial insemination on cattle. She is supported by her parents, Mayra and Gregory, and her FFA advisors Edward Hartzell, Matt Marshall, Isaac Robles and Julie Schellhase.
Dairy Production – Entrepreneurship
Clancey Krahn
Clancey Krahn of the Scio FFA Chapter in Oregon has a herd of 41 purebred registered Jersey and Brown Swiss dairy cattle. In 2018, her family built a farmstead creamery and began processing milk on-site in a vertically integrated system. She utilizes a vat pasteurization, non-homogenization system for processing her milk, which is bottled in recyclable glass bottles and sold to 50 retail stores and coffee shops in Oregon. Krahn is supported by her parents, Amy and Ben, and her FFA advisor, Krysta Sprague.
Dairy Production – Placement
Lauren Homan
Lauren Homan of the New Bremen FFA Chapter in Ohio is an assistant herdsman at her family’s dairy farm, an operation raising 480 Holstein cows and 400 heifers. Her work started with feeding calves and has grown to taking care of calves, heifers, and dairy cows. Homan works with the manure press system as well, cleaning, greasing and pressing at the right speed to make dry bedding for the cows. She is supported by her parents, Tanya and Gregory, and her FFA advisor, Maria Homan.
Diversified Agricultural Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Brant Failes
Brant Failes of the Cherokee FFA Chapter in Oklahoma began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) with a small commercial cow herd, a bull and 20 rented acres of wheat farm ground. He has expanded his program to include replacement heifers, meat goats, bottle calves, 120 acres of farm ground and 35 acres of grass pasture. He pays cash rent for the 120 total acres of wheat ground and for the equipment he uses. Failes is supported by his parents, Gayla and David, and his FFA advisor, Christy Snider.
Diversified Crop Production – Entrepreneurship
Hayden Holdgrafer
Hayden Holdgrafer of the Easton Valley FFA Chapter in Iowa began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) by renting acres to grow corn, soybeans and hay. The scope of his projects grew each year along with the number of acres he rented. He feels blessed that his SAE has earned him financial footing, agronomic knowledge and life lessons. Holdgrafer is supported by his parents, Keri and Brian, and his FFA advisor, Steven Eskildsen.
Diversified Crop Production – Placement
Wylie Schwebach
Wylie Schwebach of the Moriarty FFA Chapter in New Mexico works on the family’s 2,500-acre irrigated grain and forage production operation. The farm produces 1,050 acres of corn, 740 acres of alfalfa, 610 acres of triticale, and 100 acres of barley each year. He is trusted with the management of planting, monitoring, and evaluating, and maintenance and operation of the equipment. Schwebach is supported by his parents, Shannon and Ryan, and his FFA advisor, Cole Andes.
Diversified Horticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Nash McKenzie
Nash McKenzie of the Boonville FFA Chapter in Missouri built his own business in 2019. Home Exterior Services does everything from mulching and pulling weeds to yard design and installation. His equipment includes a SCAG V-Ride 52-inch standing mower, a Turf Tiger 61-inch zero turn mower, trimmers, and leaf blowers. McKenzie is supported by his parents, Heather and Nash, and his FFA advisors Douglas Henke and Deanna Schnuck.
Diversified Livestock Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Emilee Munchrath
Emilee Munchrath of the Graford FFA Chapter in Texas has her own business, Glory Days Livestock, which consists of breeding, raising, and selling registered cattle and club lambs. She retained retired show heifers and purchased breeding sheep with a U.S. Department of Agriculture youth loan. Quality females are transferred back into production enterprises to continue growing her scope. Munchrath is supported by her parents, Amber and Nathan, and her FFA advisors Robert Ray and her mother.
Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Creyton Line
Creyton Line of the Sumner-Eddyville-Miller FFA Chapter in Nebraska focuses on protection and conservation of the natural resources at his family’s Triangle J Ranch. He plants tree lanes, transplants cedar trees, builds terraces, and waters and fertilizes trees. Line also removes volunteer plants like musk thistles and other harmful vegetation. He is supported by his parents, Annette and Darby, and his FFA advisors Emily Reitz and Katie Hothem.
Equine Science – Entrepreneurship
Madilynn Jayde Campbell
Madilynn Jayde Campbell of the Adair FFA Chapter in Oklahoma raises and trains halter quarter horses using her family’s open stall barn and arena. Her project began with three foundation quarter horses gifted to her by her grandfather. She now has seven mares and geldings and a large clientele. She closely tracks all feed, veterinary and equipment expenses. Campbell is supported by her parents, Becky and Shanon, and her FFA advisors Devin DeLozier and Shane Johnson.
Equine Science – Placement
Morelia Vieyra
Morelia Vieyra of the Madera FFA Chapter in California works as a stable hand and groomer at Rancho Alegre Stables, boarding and training more than 40 horses. The ranch has 42 covered stalls and multiple pastures to house the horses, a racetrack, an arena, and a chute system. Vieyra is supported by her parents, Irma and Alejandro, and her FFA advisors Kristin Sheehan, Sigifredo Valladares Renteria, Jordana Faria and Brianna Ellis.
Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Matthew Gossett
Matthew Gossett of the Lynchburg-Clay FFA Chapter in Ohio began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) in the fall of 2019 when he rented 12 acres of ground to farm soybeans. He’s since increased his land to 43 acres. Gossett also works his family’s soybean farm of 662 acres. He plants, fertilizes, sprays and harvests the crop. He is supported by his parents, Lori and Ronnie, and his FFA advisor, Dara Landess.
Forage Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Korbin Smith
Korbin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter in Oklahoma works on his family’s farm, consisting of 2,200 acres growing high quality forages and a diverse mix of grass and cropland. Raising hay, growing grass, utilizing cover crops, and growing wheat and rye pastures has helped him understand the importance of good management practices and working towards a sustainable operation. Smith services the farm equipment, learning the importance of doing routine maintenance. He is supported by his parents, Kendra and Randall, and his FFA advisor, Chris Klaassen.
Forest Management and Products – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Braedon Raven
Braedon Raven of the Klein FFA Chapter in Texas works at the Old Time Christmas Tree Farm. The 40 acres has approximately 10,000 Virginia pine and cypress trees. He plants, manages, and grows these trees each year, in addition to staking and clipping them. Raven utilizes irrigation systems, pest control methods and natural colorants. He is supported by his parents, Lynn and Brian, and his FFA advisors Rebecca Brummond, Michael Brummond, Clayton Bill and Emery Spence.
Fruit Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Jamin Allen Miles III
Jamin Allen Miles III of the Appling County FFA Chapter in Georgia has had two placement experiences at blueberry operations. The farms grow a total of nearly 600 acres of blueberries, as well as have processing and packing facilities. The processing facility is a 20,000-square-foot warehouse, containing packing equipment and a computer sorting system. Miles is supported by his parents, Dorothy and Allen, and his FFA advisors Jim Galvin and Kevin Harrison.
Goat Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Chase Hummel
Chase Hummel of the Tri-Point FFA Chapter in Illinois works with his family’s livestock show goat breeding division, raising approximately 500 head of meat goats annually to be sold as 4-H and FFA projects across the country. He became responsible for monitoring the body condition and general health status of the 350 does, implementing parasite management practices and an embryo transfer program. Hummel is supported by his parents, Holly and Dale, and his FFA advisors Diana Loschen, Jenna Baker and Kaylee Shouse.
Grain Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Noah Thomas Wiley
Noah Thomas Wiley of the Labette County FFA Chapter in Kansas works at a 2,000-acre farm, growing corn and winter wheat. He is tasked with routine maintenance, including changing belts, fluids, bearings, and hoses, as well as those requiring high-level skills such as rebuilding the entire planter from the ground up. Wiley also operates the planter, grain drill, combine and grain cart. He is supported by his parents, Becky and Dustin, and his FFA advisors Kyle Zwahlen, Keith Geren and his father.
Landscape Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Ethan David Lulich
Ethan David Lulich of the Mauston FFA Chapter in Wisconsin works for his father’s landscaping business, which includes a retail garden center, landscaping installation crew, and a lawn care maintenance crew. He helps design outdoor living spaces including patios, firepits, sitting walls, walkways, stairs, lighting, irrigation systems, and water features. Lulich is supported by his parents, Lori and David, and his FFA advisor, Beth Babcock.
Nursery Operations – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Vanessa Trotter
Vanessa Trotter of the Peebles FFA Chapter in Ohio began a small pumpkin patch when her father purchased a piece of land in 2012. With that, TNT Greenhouses was born. She owns three greenhouses to produce flower and vegetable flats, pots, planters and hanging baskets. Trotter is responsible for trimming, deadheading, and watering plants. She is supported by her parents, Holly and Carl, and her FFA advisor, Rebecca Minton.
Outdoor Recreation – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Morgan Hodge
Morgan Hodge of the West Liberty FFA Chapter in Iowa was introduced to trapshooting and outdoor recreation when she took her first hunter’s safety course at the age of 12. Her father and grandfather were avid trapshooters who taught her about shooting sports and hunting. She works at a gun club, maintaining safety protocols, providing lawn care, reclaiming lead, and maintaining target throwing machines. Hodge is supported by her parents, Roberta and Stewart, and her FFA advisors Elyse Buysse and Zachary Morris.
Poultry Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Sam Bolen
Sam Bolen of the South Central FFA Chapter in Ohio works for Double A Eggs Farms, a free-range and organic layer operation with two barns that each house approximately 30,000 birds. His duties were initially very simple, but today he is charged with adjusting belts, welding rods on the rock conveyor, advanced troubleshooting, supervising other farmhands, and more. Bolen is supported by his parents, Lorraine and George, and his FFA advisor, Sarah Lucha.
Service-Learning – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Adam Jaycob Stone
Adam Jaycob Stone of the Bowdon High School FFA Chapter in Georgia sought to create sustainable change rather than a temporary fix when he recognized the food desert in his community. He created a nonprofit called Go Grow Georgia to fight food insecurity through educational opportunities relating to producing food at home and providing agricultural resources to support the effort. Stone was able to build a garden on public lands and teach clinics on growing food at the learning garden. He is supported by his parents, Meredith and Brian, and his FFA advisor, Richie Farrow.
Sheep Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Bailee Amstutz
Bailee Amstutz of the North Union FFA Chapter in Ohio sold her first lamb on the sale block when she was 2 years old. At the age of 6, her grandmother gave her her first show lamb. Today, she has 78 ewes and three rams. Amstutz raised the Reserve Champion Commercial Ewe at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in 2021, and a stud buck named Deuces Wild that produces semen and offspring that are sold across the country. She is supported by her parents, Leah and Brock, and her FFA advisors Breck Mooneyham and Thomas Jolliff.
Small Animal Production and Care – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Payton Irick
Payton Irick of the Seminole FFA Chapter in Oklahoma raises Yorkshire terriers and Yorkie-poodle mixed designer dogs that are non-shedding and hypoallergenic. She began with one female and used a corner of her parents’ office to raise the first litter of puppies. She’s invested in more females and ensures stellar health, cleanliness and socialization of all puppies. Irick is supported by her parents, Heather and Shawn, and her FFA advisor, Amber Day.
Specialty Animal Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
William Paxton
William Paxton of the Stuart FFA Chapter in Nebraska established his own beekeeping business after shadowing a professional. Keeping them on his uncle’s ranch, he started with two hives. His primary responsibility as a beekeeper, he said, was to keep honeybees healthy enough to survive and produce a substantial amount of honey each year. Paxton is supported by his parents, Sara and Darby, and his FFA advisors Katie Nolles and Patty Hanzlik.
Specialty Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Noah Koth
Noah Koth of the North Huron FFA Chapter in Michigan helps farm 1,200 specialty crop acres of sugar beets and black turtle beans. He started working on the farm by driving the loader tractor to pick stones in the field. His responsibilities have increased and now include tillage, running the self-propelled sprayer, hauling water, mixing liquid fertilizer, and more. Koth is active in the repair and maintenance of the farm machinery and equipment, too. He is supported by his parents, Kelli and Donald, and his FFA advisors Joseph Ankley and Haley Talaski.
Swine Production – Entrepreneurship
Davis Howell
Davis Howell of the Clinton FFA Chapter in Illinois has a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) consisting of two projects: breeding swine and show swine. For his breeding operation, he has between 12 and 15 sows and gilts along with a check boar. He breeds twice a year with the goal that offspring will be transferred to his show swine project. Howell is supported by his parents, Rebecca and Zachary, and his FFA advisors Hannah Riedle, Kayla Riedle and Savannah Riegler.
Swine Production – Placement
John Buryl Neely
John Buryl Neely of the Woodbury FFA Chapter in Tennessee works with his family’s swine production. The project has allowed him to learn about all aspects of the process, including growing and finishing of all ages and weights of pigs. He has learned to apply the best swine management practices while monitoring their health, and cleaning and sanitizing facilities and trailers. Neely is supported by his parents, Alanna and Johnny, and his FFA advisors Wesley Foster and Emily Kopko.
Turf Grass Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Dawson Woerner
Dawson Woerner of the Shenandoah FFA Chapter in Indiana works for his father’s 900-acre sod farm, supplying landscapers and builders throughout central and northern Indiana. When he started helping with the operation, he was limited to clearing the fields of rocks. Today, he accomplishes everything from grass seedbed preparation, irrigating the sod fields weekly, and mowing the sod fields. Woerner hopes to one day be a full partner in the family business. He is supported by his parents, Susan and Darren, and his FFA advisors Dawn Baker and Tammie Starkey.
Vegetable Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Cody Jerald Hudziak
Cody Jerald Hudziak of the Weuaywega-Fremont Chapter in Wisconsin has two placements for his supervised agricultural experience (SAE): one at the aquaponics system in his agriculture classroom and the other at Del Monte Foods. He was manager of the aquaponics system, growing buttercrunch lettuce in the system that is grown in water with fish waste. At Del Monte, he worked to grow green beans, potatoes, carrots and beets. Hudziak is supported by his parents, Kimberly and Duane, and his FFA advisors Sandra Dykes, Connie Peterson and Jessica Magdanz.
Veterinary Science – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Brooke Nicole Casey
Brooke Nicole Casey of the New London FFA Chapter in Wisconsin works as a veterinary assistant at her local clinic and has also shadowed a large animal veterinarian at another operation. As an assistant, she works with vets to do checkups on healthy animals and exams on sick pets. She also works with the surgery and dental patients. She draws blood, gives vaccines, takes radiographs, assists with ultrasounds and more. Casey is supported by her parents, Bette and Glenn, and her FFA advisor, Crystal Retzlaff.
Wildlife Production and Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Thomas D. Dehoff
Thomas D. Dehoff of the Screven County High FFA Chapter in Georgia began raising bobwhite and Tennessee red varieties of quail when he was in the seventh grade. Working with his father and brother, the three raise flocks of quail through the brooder barn on six-week rotations. Since 2017, he has raised and marketed 40,535 quail. Dehoff is supported by his parents, Melina and Robert, and his FFA advisors Nancy Sell, Zach Weaver and Cali Smith.
The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 945,000 student members as part of 9,163 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
About National FFA Organization
The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 945,000 student members as part of 9,163 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more, visit the National FFA Organization online at and on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
About National FFA Foundation
The National FFA Foundation builds partnerships with industry, education, government, other foundations and individuals to secure financial resources that recognize FFA member achievements, develop student leaders and support the future of agricultural education. A separately registered nonprofit organization, the foundation is governed by a board of trustees that includes the national FFA president, educators, business leaders and individual donors. For more, visit
— National FFA Organization