STOCKTON, Mo.- “Pasture is the cheapest feed resource in a cattle operation,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Proper pasture management in the late winter and early spring will help optimize forage production during the grazing months and will have a positive impact on production and profitability. Therefore, Davis will discuss pasture and early cattle grazing season management to promote optimum forage production during the entire grazing season.
“Cattle producers need to evaluate their pastures,” says Davis. Identify pastures that need renovation and consider using those as sacrifice pastures. Davis urges consultation with an MU Extension agronomy field specialist to grade pastures and make decisions on potential pastures that need renovation.
“Move cattle to sacrifice pastures for hay feeding until grass is at proper grazing height,” says Davis. This management strategy helps provide fertility in the form of manure and hay in these areas, which helps in the renovation process. Also, this strategy reduces destruction of good pastures which could affect their productivity throughout the grazing season.
“Hold cattle off good cool season grass pastures until proper forage height is achieved,” says Davis. At turn-out, cool season pastures should have about 6 inches of growth. During the grazing season, cool season pasture heights should range between 4 and 8 inches. Davis urges cattle producers to stay within this range during the grazing season to maintain optimum grass growth and quality for optimum cattle performance and productivity.
“Improve pasture forage quality and animal performance by seeding legumes,” says Davis. Legumes such as clovers and lespedeza can be drilled now to provide high quality forage grazing opportunities in the spring and summer months. In addition, they help dilute cattle fescue consumption which reduces fescue toxicosis problems. Legumes are high in calcium and magnesium which leads to proper cattle mineral balance. Davis urges cattle producers to work with your local MU Extension agronomy specialist and utilize MU Extension guide sheet G4652 to help in the establishment of legumes.
“Forage and grazing management are key to profitably of your cattle operation,” says Davis. For more information on these topics, contact your local MU Extension agronomy or livestock field specialist. Find additional resources at and
— MU Extension