ONLINE — Penn State Extension’s sixth episode of the C-CHANGE Gras2Gas podcast is out now. Whether it’s the need for anaerobic digesters to prove they are carbon neutral for the new IRA energy tax credits or to participate in the emerging carbon credit markets, accurate life cycle assessments of digesters are crucial.
Our guest expert, Professor Mark Mba-Wright, talks about life cycle assessments and how they can show the carbon reductions that digester technologies provide. Join us as we explore pitfalls that can hamper the carbon reductions of a digester, the opportunities to reduce carbon emissions further, and just how variable these emissions can be with something as complicated as anaerobic digestion.
This podcast releases a new episode on the second Wednesday of every month and is available on most podcast sites, including Spotify and Amazon Music. The Grass to Gas podcast can also be accessed directly on the Penn State Extension site with this link: If you have any questions, please contact Matt Svetz ([email protected]) or Daniel Ciolkosz ([email protected]).Â
C-CHANGE is a multi-year research extension and education project focused on developing new and innovative Renewable Natural Gas opportunities for farms. The USDA-funded effort is led by Iowa State University, along with Penn State and experts from government and private organizations.
–Penn State Extension